This was the remake of the most popular radio comedy drama, "Komaligalin Kummalam" which was broadcast in Radio Ceylon in the mid 1970s.
Komaligal was produced in 45 days. On 22 November 1976 the film was screened in 6 places. Film was very successful in box office rather than previous Sri Lankan Tamil movies. Komaligal was running in Central Colombo (Sellamahal) 76 days, in South Colombo (Plaza) 55 days, in Jaffna 51 days, in Trincomalee 33 days and Batticolao 32 days. As per Dominic Jeeva, author of Malligai magazine, "Viewers returned from Theatre without seeing the movie since it was houseful."
The financial success of Komaligal gave the belief to other producers that they could produce successful Tamil cinema in Sri Lanka.